30 Mar 2020


 Here's a catchy song I want to share with you. Listen and do the actions. Sing along. 

How many animals can the explorer see? 

He's comparing them to him. What is he saying? 

Ево, једне песме коју ћете лако запамтити. Слушајте и радите све. Певајте. 

Колико животиња истраживач може да види? 

Пореди их са собом. Шта каже?

While you're listening and singing the new Animal Song, let's see if you can match the first and the second halves of the sentences. 

Док слушате и певате нову песму о животињама, хајде да видимо да ли можете да повежете делове реченица.


 Let's revise some old and learn some new opposites. Write them in your notebook under the title Opposites. You can illustrate each word. 

Don't forget to read Unit 9a in your books! 

Хајде да поновимо неке старе и научимо нове речи супротног значења. Запишите их у свеске. Можете илустровати сваку реч. 

Не заборавите да прочитате лекцију у књизи!

Can you match the opposites? Try this memory game and find out. 

Можеш ли да спојиш речи супротног значења? Пробај ову игру памћења и откриј.

29 Mar 2020

Telling the Time

What time is it now? 

You know that it's different time in different countries. When it's twelve o'clock in the afternoon in England, it's twelve o'clock at night in Australia.

Let's revise telling the time!


 Can you name these sports? Enter your name and do the crossword.

26 Mar 2020

Stay at home

These days we mustn't go out. We mustn't hug or shake hands with the others. We must stay at home. 

Our eTwinning friends are in the same situation. Listen to their messages

Why is it important to stay at home?

Ових дана не смемо да идемо напоље. Не смемо да грлимо друге ни да се рукујемо. Морамо да останемо код куће. 

Наши еТвининг другари су у истој ситуацији. Послушајте њихове поруке. 

Зашто је важно остати код куће?


 At home, at school, in the street, there are rules everywhere and we must follow them. 

Play the memory game and see if you can match the rules with the places. 

Think of the rules you don't like, but must follow. 

e.g. I must tidy my room. 

Share in the comments.

Код куће, у школи, на улици, свуда су правила и морамо да их поштујемо. 

Одиграј игру памћења и види да ли можеш да повежеш правила са местима. 

Размисли о правилима која ти се не свиђају, али мораш да их поштујеш. 

нпр. Морам да средим собу. 

Подели у коментарима.


 In sports, rules are very important. They tell us what we must or mustn't do. Another important thing is to be a good sport and respect your opponent. 

Read Unit 9c in your book and write the rules for each sport. 

In the comments, name the sport that you like and add what you must or mustn't do. You can also share the tasks from your student's book and workbook here, in comments.

У спорту, правила су важна. Она нам говоре шта морамо или не смемо да радимо. Важно је да будемо фер и да поштујемо противника. 

Прочитајте лекцију у књизи и напишите правила за сваки спорт. У коментарима, напишите који спорт волите и шта морате или не смете да радите у том спорту. 

Можете, такође, поделити вежбе из уџбеника и радне свеске овде, у коментарима.

What are you doing?

 Remember this? 

So, what are you doing? What about your family members? 

Don't forget: I'm ...+ing, He's ...+ing, She's ...+ing

Present Continuous Tense

 Today we're revising present continuous and some sports. Watch the video for some examples. Copy them into your notebook under the title Present Continuous Tense. 

Don't forget to read the text in your book at page 68! You can share the tasks from your student's book and workbook here, in comments. 

Данас обнављамо садашње трајно време и неке спортове. Погледајте видео због примера. Препишите их у свеску. 

Не заборавите да прочитате текст у уџбенику на страни 68! Можете поделити вежбе из уџбеника и радне свеске овде, у коментарима.

23 Mar 2020

Activities Survey

What do you like doing in your free time

Don't forget to read Unit 9b in your book to find out about other children's favourite free time activities. There are some tasks too. You can share the tasks from your student's book and workbook here, in comments. 

Шта волите да радите у слободно време? 

Не заборавите да прочитате лекцију 9б у књизи и откријете које су омиљене слободне активности друге деце. Видећете и неке вежбе. Можете поделити вежбе из уџбеника и радне свеске овде у коментарима.

Street Food

 What do you think about street food? 

Read Unit 8c in your books to find out what the children around the world like eating. 

Watch the video for some street food favourites. Would you try any of these?

21 Mar 2020

Favourite Sandwich

 What is your favourite sandwich? Explain how you make it in the comment. You can also make a video or take a photo of it and share with us. Use this text as an example.

How much or How many

 When do we use How much or How many? Let's check.

20 Mar 2020


Spring started at 4.49 this morning.
What's your favourite season?

  • spring
  • summer
  • autumn
  • winter

19 Mar 2020

Food Games

  • Food Millionaire - When do we use: a/an, some/any, much/many/a lot of? Let's check.;
  • Guess the Food - Read the clue and guess the word. Be careful! For each wrong guess, the flower will lose its petal!;
  • Food Containers - As you know, we buy or put some food in different dishes or containers. Let's see if you can match them.

There are some tasks in your books, too =)


Healthy Food Survey

 What's your favourite healthy food? Type your answer and click the Submit button.

Food Jewel

 Here's another game to revise the food words and have fun =)

18 Mar 2020

(Un)countable Nouns Game

 Don't forget to read Unit 8a and do the tasks in your books! 

You can try this game. Enter your name, start the game and try to sort the words.

Count/Non-Count Nouns

 Let's explore this topic more. Watch this video and check your understanding of countable and uncountable nouns, but also aren't and isn't.

(Un)countable Nouns

 Today we're talking about countable and uncountable nouns. Watch this video to find out more. Copy the examples into your notebook. 

Данас причамо о бројивим и небројивим именицама. Погледајте видео и откријте више. Препишите примере у свеску.

17 Mar 2020

St Patrick's Day

 Enter your name and class, then watch the video, listen to the story and answer the questions correctly to watch the rest of the video. 

Упишите име и разред/одељење, одгледајте видео, слушајте причу и одговорите на питања тачно како бисте одгледали остатак видеа.

Wellness Check

 How are you feeling today?
😀 I'm great
🙂 I'm okay
😐 I'm meh
😢 I'm struggling


Dear students, Welcome to our virtual classroom. Here you'll find different resources, games and quizzes. You don't have to cover them all, just the ones you choose. All the best =)

Драги ђаци, Добродошли у нашу виртуелну учионицу. Овде ћете наћи различитe задатке, игре и квизове. Не морате све да их урадите, само оне које сами изаберете. Све најбоље =)