27 Nov 2020

Test 2 Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own. 

Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

Read and choose. 

..... costumes are beautiful. 

A. These

B. This ...

Test 2 Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own. 

Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

Make a word.



26 Nov 2020

Thanksgiving Day

 Every fourth Thursday in November the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Families have a special meal and give thanks to the things they have got.
What are you thankful for? 

Сваког четвртка у новембру Американци прослављају Дан захвалности. Породице припремају посебан оброк и захваљују се свему што имају.
За шта сте ви захвални?

20 Nov 2020

World Children's Day

 It's World Children's Day today, a day to reimagine a better future for every child. With different child-centred fun activities, parents bond with their children and try to make this day special and unforgettable.
What's your favourite fun activity with your family? 

Данас је Међународни дан детета, дан када сви размишљају о бољој будућности за свако дете. Уз различите забавне активности у чијем средишту је дете, родитељи покушавају да овај дан учине посебним и незаборавним.
У којој забавној активности посебно уживаш са својом породицом?

18 Nov 2020

Grammar Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own. 

Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

Fill in the blanks.

Complete with the correct present form of the verb BE. 

My favourite sport __ basketball. I love it! ...

Everyday Activities

 When we talk about everyday activities, we add the -s or -es ending to the verb in the third person singular, but there are some verbs which change their spelling. Can you sort them right? Enter your name before you start the game

Када причамо о свакодневним активностима, глаголима додајемо наставак у трећем лицу једнине, али код неких има и других промена у писању. Можете ли да их групишете? Упишите своје име пре него што започнете игру.

For questions and negatives in the present simple, we need DO/DOES, DON'T/DOESN'T. Can you tell the difference? 

У упитним и одричним реченицама у садашњем времену, користимо помоћни глагол. Да ли уочавате разлику?

16 Nov 2020

Day for Tolerance

Today is the International Day for Tolerance! It's a celebration of diversity, understanding and respecting others.

Think about how you're similar or different from the others. What makes you unique?

13 Nov 2020

World Kindness Day

It's World Kindness Day today!
Kindness can be as simple as a smile or a thank you. You can be kind when you listen to somebody or hold the door open.
What's your favourite act of kindness?

11 Nov 2020

Remembrance Day

 Today is Remembrance Day. The people all over the world remember those who gave their lives in all wars or conflicts. 

By the way, the First World War was formally declared over at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, and that is the reason why Remembrance Day is held every year on 11 November.

10 Nov 2020


 Can you name these jobs? Let's check!


 Can you name these places? Let's see! Write your name before you start the game.

Listen to the songs. What's your favourite place in town? Who do you go there with? What do you do there?

9 Nov 2020

My Favourite Day

 Which is your favourite day of the week? What time do you get up? What do you do in the morning / afternoon / evening? What time do you go to bed? Why is it your favourite day?

Present Simple Tense

Today we're talking about everyday activities. Watch the video for some examples and copy them into your notebook under the title Present Simple Tense.

Данас говоримо о свакодневним активностима. Погледајте видео са примерима и препишите их у свеску. Не заборавите да напишете наслов!

5 Nov 2020

Guy Fawkes Day

The British celebrate Guy Fawkes Day today. They eat jacket potatoes and toffee apples, and organise a firework display in the evening.

What's your favourite celebration? Why? What do you do then?

3 Nov 2020


 Listen to the song! What can your favourite animal do?

Telling the Time

 Can you tell the time? Let's see!

Can you tell the time? Start the game, click on the card and then on the correct jewel. 

Да ли знате да гледате на сат? Почните игру, кликните картицу, а онда одговарајући драгуљ.


Taking part in eTwinning projects gives us a chance to travel around Europe, find out more about other cultures and customs, but also to promote our own tradition, town, country, and develop the 21st century skills. Take a look at how our eTwinning friends have promoted their school (https://youtu.be/LE5qMSbZjtA), town (https://youtu.be/nMsHx1N4BqU), or country (https://biteable.com/watch/embed/trip-to-portugal-2058876). And, here's another promo video (https://youtu.be/RkMjTnA1BjA) created by a 3rd grader from Zemun. You might get some ideas...