21 Dec 2020

Winter Activities

 Winter started at 11.02 this morning.
What's your favourite winter activity? 

  • making a snowman
  • snowball fight
  • sledging
  • ice skating
  • making a snow angel

14 Dec 2020

Christmas Challenge

Dear students,
Christmas and New Year are approaching and I want to challenge you with some fun activities if you're interested.

11 Dec 2020

Everyday Activities

 When we talk about everyday activities, we add the -s or -es ending to the verb in the third person singular, but there are some verbs which change their spelling. Can you sort them right? Enter your name before you start the game

Када причамо о свакодневним активностима, глаголима додајемо наставак у трећем лицу једнине, али код неких има и других промена у писању. Можете ли да их групишете? Упишите своје име пре него што започнете игру.

8 Dec 2020

Present Simple Tense

Today we're talking about everyday activities. Watch the video for some examples and copy them into your notebook under the title Present Simple Tense.

Данас говоримо о свакодневним активностима. Погледајте видео са примерима и препишите их у свеску. Не заборавите да напишете наслов!


 How good are you at this game? Let's see!

7 Dec 2020

Ideal School

There are rules everywhere, at home, at school, online... Think of your ideal school. What rules are there? Use must for your duties and mustn't for the things that are not allowed.

4 Dec 2020

Daily Routines

 Can you name these daily routines? Let's see!

Healthy Food

 It's important to eat healthy food. Choose some fruit and vegetables and write if you like them or not.
Do the same for your friend. Don't forget the endings (e.g. My friend likes strawberries; He / She doesn't like tomatoes)! 

Важно је да се хранимо здраво. Изаберите неколико воћа и поврћа и напишите да ли га волите или не.
Урадите исто за другара или другарицу. Не заборавите наставке!

2 Dec 2020

Famous People

Write about your favourite famous person. It can be a sportsperson, actor/actress, singer, writer, activist, but they must be alive.
What's his/her name? Has he/she got a nickname?
When and where was he/she born?
What does he/she do every day? Write about his/her daily routine.
What does he/she like doing in his/her free time?
Why is this famous person special?
Don't copy/paste from the internet! Try to use your own words!
There are texts in your student's book (page 52) and in your workbook (pages 29 and 76) that you can use as examples. You can also take a look at these videos and meet the girls whose actions might inspire you to make a difference in the world.

Представи своју омиљену познату личност. Може бити спортиста/спортисткиња, глумац/глумица, певач/певачица, књижевник/књижевница, активиста/активисткиња, али мора бити жив/а.
Како се зове? Да ли има надимак?
Када је и где рођен/а?
Шта ради свакога дана? Опишите његове/њене уобичајене активности.
Шта воли да ради у слободно време?
По чему је ова позната личност посебна?
Немој преписивати са интернета! Користи своје речи!
Можеш као пример да искористиш текстове из уџбеника (стр. 52) и радне свеске (стр. 29 и 76). Можеш погледати и видео записе и упознати девојчице чије активности би могле да те инспиришу да промениш нешто у свету око себе.

Free Time

Have you got a hobby or something you enjoy doing? What do you like doing in your free time?