26 Feb 2021

Test 3 Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own. 

Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

..... Monday

A. in

B. on

C. at ...

Test 3 Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own. 

Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.



24 Feb 2021

Pink Shirt Day

The last Wednesday in February is known as Pink Shirt Day. On this day, people around the world wear pink shirts or pink buttons to prevent bullying and to stand up for those who are bullied. 

Let's show with our examples that we're against bullying!

Choose one of the messages (Bullying stops here; It's not cool to be cruel; Help end bullying; Kindness is one size fits all; Spread kindness), or think of your own, and design a pink T-shirt. Share your design in the comments.

23 Feb 2021

How much or How many?

 When do we use How much or How many? Let's check

Када користимо How much, а када How many? Хајде да проверимо.

Days and Months

Let's revise the days of the week and months of the year with these fun songs =)
Remember to use ON with days and IN with months!

22 Feb 2021

Test 2 Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own. 

Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

Fill in the blanks.

Kelly __ (watch) a film with her family on Friday evenings.

19 Feb 2021

Ordinal Numbers

Let's learn ordinal numbers!

This/These, That/Those

 When we talk about something or somebody near us, we use this (one thing or person) or these (more than one). When we talk about something or somebody far from us, we use that (one) or those (more than one). 

Када говоримо о нечему или некоме близу нас, користимо 'this' (једна ствар или особа) или 'these' (више од једне ствари или особе). Када говоримо о нечему или некоме удаљеном од нас, користимо 'that' (једна ствар или особа) или 'those' (више од једне ствари или особе).

17 Feb 2021


 In case you missed these quizzes last year, here they are again =)

12 Feb 2021


 Read the clue and guess the word. Be careful! For each wrong guess, the flower will lose its petal! 

Прочитајте опис и погодите реч. Пазите! Ако погрешите, цвет ће остати без латице!

Telling the Time

 Can you tell the time? Let's see!

9 Feb 2021

Safer Internet Day

It's Safer Internet Day today. Do you know how to stay safe on the internet? Share your tips in the comments.

5 Feb 2021

Safer Internet Day

 Safer Internet Day takes place every February. This year it will be celebrated on 9 February with the slogan 'Together for a better internet.'
Let's create our slogans and posters to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, and share them with our friends.

2 Feb 2021

My Favourite Animal

 What's your favourite animal? What does it look like? Where does it live? What does it eat? What can it do? etc. You can add a photo or your drawing. For free images go to: https://free-images.com/.
You can use the text in the game as an example.

Која ти је омиљена животиња? Како изгледа? Где живи? Шта једе? Шта може да ради? итд. Можеш додати фотографију или свој цртеж.
Текст у игрици може ти користити да лакше урадиш задатак.

My House

 Describe your house.
You can draw it, too.
You can use the text in the game as an example.

Опиши своју кућу.
Можеш је и нацртати.
Текст у игрици може ти користити да лакше урадиш задатак.