29 Sept 2021

All About...

How many real friends have you got? What makes a good friend? Who is your best friend? Write about him/her in 80-100 words.
Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What is your friend's name? Has he/she got a nickname? How and when did you two meet?
Paragraph 2: What does your friend look like? How old is he/she? How tall is he/she? What can you say about his/her weight, hair, eyes?
Paragraph 3: What is your friend like? Don't just list the good and bad sides! Use the examples!
Paragraph 4: Why is your friend special to you? What do you enjoy doing together?

28 Sept 2021


In sports, rules are very important. They tell us what we must or mustn't do. Another important thing is to be a good sport and respect your opponent.

In the comments, name the sport that you like and add what you must or mustn't do.

У спорту, правила су важна. Она нам говоре шта морамо или не смемо да радимо. Важно је да будемо фер и да поштујемо противника.

У коментарима, напишите који спорт волите и шта морате или не смете да радите у том спорту.

27 Sept 2021

European Day of Languages

Every 26 September people all over the world celebrate the European Day of Languages and promote the linguistic and cultural diversity of our continent.

This year, on the 20th anniversary, you can take part in different interesting activities:
The Secret Agent’s Language Challenges
EDL T-shirt Contest (https://edl.ecml.at/Activities/EDLT-ShirtContest/tabid/3147/Default.aspx)
International Happy Birthday Video
Great Bake-Off (https://edl.ecml.at/Activities/20thAnniversaryGreatBake-Off/tabid/3230/Default.aspx)

Looking forward to seeing your creativity in action =)

24 Sept 2021


 At home, at school, in the street, there are rules everywhere and we must follow them. Play the memory game and see if you can match the rules with the places. Think of the rules you don't like, but must follow.
e.g. I must tidy my room.
Share in the comments.

Код куће, у школи, на улици, свуда су правила и морамо да их поштујемо. Одиграј игру памћења и види да ли можеш да повежеш правила са местима. Размисли о правилима која ти се не свиђају, али мораш да их поштујеш.
нпр. Морам да средим собу.
Подели у коментарима.

22 Sept 2021


Good friends are hard to find, but easy to lose. What do you think about this saying?

What's your best friend like?

Pay attention to these three questions with LIKE:
What does he/she like? = Шта воли?
What does he/she look like? = Како изгледа?
What is he/she like? = Какав/Каква је као особа?

21 Sept 2021

20 Sept 2021

Present Tenses

 Can you tell the difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous? Let's find out!

15 Sept 2021

Free Time

What do you like doing in your free time?

  • spending time with my family
  • surfing the Net
  • reading books or comics
  • playing computer games
  • making videos
  • listening to music
  • going shopping
  • drawing
  • doing sports

International Dot Day

It's International Dot Day today! It's all about creativity which can start with a simple dot. I'd like to invite you to join today's celebration with the author of The Dot, Peter H. Reynolds.
You can join the 30-minute event at 7 pm using Microsoft Teams. Click on Watch on the web, and Join anonymously.

14 Sept 2021


For expressing possession, we use 's or s'.

За изражавање припадности, користимо 's или s'.

13 Sept 2021

Entry Test

Read the questions carefully. Do the tasks on your own. 
(Пажљиво прочитајте питања. Радите самостално, без икакве и ичије помоћи.)
..... a book, a pencil case and a ruler in my bag.
A. There are
B. There is
C. They are ...

10 Sept 2021

7 Sept 2021

Spelling Games

 How good are you at spelling? Let's find out!

Како вам иде писање енглеских речи? Хајде да проверимо!

6 Sept 2021

Walking around Europe

How good are you at geography? Let's find out!

Which country would you like to visit? Why?