29 Oct 2021

Food Containers

As you know, we buy or put some food in different dishes or containers. Let's see if you can match them.

Као што знате, храну купујемо или пакујемо у различите посуде. Хајде да видимо да ли можете да их повежете.

27 Oct 2021

A Scary Experience

Think about a scary experience you had in the past. Write about it in 80-100 words.
Organise your writing into 3 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Where were you? Who were you with? What was the weather like? What happened first?
Paragraph 2: What happened next? Pay attention to the order the events happened!
Paragraph 3: What happened in the end? How did you feel?

26 Oct 2021


Read the clue and guess the word. Be careful! For each wrong guess, the flower will lose its petal!  

Прочитајте опис и погодите реч. Пазите! Ако погрешите, цвет ће остати без латице!

22 Oct 2021

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

 All the things that we can count are called countable nouns, and all the things that we can't count are called uncountable nouns.

Try this game and sort the words. Don't forget to enter your name before you start the game!

Све што можемо да бројимо зовемо бројивим именицама, а све што не можемо да бројимо зовемо небројивим именицама.

Пробајте игру и разврстајте речи. Не заборавите да упишете своје име!


Today we're talking about food, and countable and uncountable nouns. Watch this  video to find out more.

What's your favourite food?

Данас причамо о храни, о бројивим и небројивим именицама. Погледајте видео и  откријте више.

Која је твоја омиљена храна?

20 Oct 2021

Past Continuous Tense

Where were you at 11 o'clock last night? What were you doing? Were you sleeping or playing games?

Today we're talking about actions happening at a specific time in the past. Watch the video for some examples.

19 Oct 2021


 What type of music do you like? Who's your favourite singer? What's your favourite band? Why do you like them?

  • jazz
  • reggae
  • hip hop
  • hard rock
  • heavy metal
  • punk
  • rap
  • techno
  • indie
  • classical

Musical Instruments

Can you play an instrument? If you can, how often do you play it? If you can't, what instrument would you like to play, and why?

Да ли умеш да свираш неки инструмент? Ако умеш, колико често га свираш? Ако не умеш, који би желео/ла да свираш и зашто?

18 Oct 2021

Healthy Habits

Vegetarian Day, Mental Health Day, Handwashing Day, Food Day, Apple Day, etc. All of them are in October and aimed at increasing the awareness and understanding the importance of living a healthy life.

So, how do you take care of yourselves? Why is it important to wash our hands and eat healthy food? What are your top 3 healthy habits? Share in the comments below.

15 Oct 2021

Global Handwashing Day

It's Global Handwashing Day today! How do you take care of your hands? Why is it important to wash them?

Can you think of a good slogan for washing our hands? e.g. Clean hands, happy hands.

Данас је Светски дан чистих руку! Како ви бринете о рукама? Зашто је важно да их перемо?

Можете ли да смислите неки слоган за прање руку? нпр. Чисте руке, срећне руке.

13 Oct 2021

Test 1 Practice

Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own.

Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

Superman's ..... .

A. slim

B. chubby ...

12 Oct 2021

Columbus Day

Every second Monday in October the Americans celebrate Columbus Day in memory of the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus who landed in the Americas in 1492.

If you had a ship, where would you like it to take you?

Сваког другог уторка у октобру Американци прослављају Колумбов дан у знак сећања на италијанског истраживача Кристофера Колумба који је 1492. стигао до обала Америке.

Када бисте имали брод, где бисте желели да отпловите?

11 Oct 2021

Past Simple Tense

Can you tell the difference between regular and irregular verbs? Let's check!

8 Oct 2021

Test 1 Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own.
Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

What's this number in words?
49 ...

5 Oct 2021

Cartoon Characters

 Who's your favourite cartoon character? What's his/her name? Where's he/she from? What does he/she look like? What's he/she like? What can he/she do? What does he/she like?

Ко вам је омиљени цртани јунак/јунакиња? Како се зове? Одакле је? Како  изгледа? Какав/Каква је? Шта уме? Шта воли?

4 Oct 2021

World Animal Day

It's World Animal Day today!

What do you think - should we keep wild animals in zoos? Give your reasons in the comments below.

1 Oct 2021