30 Nov 2021


 November is the month when small long-eared owls come to Kikinda's square to spend the winter. What's more, our town's been the world's largest winter roost site of small long-eared owls for the past several years.

What do you know about them?

Новембар је месец када мале сове ушаре долазе у Кикинду да презиме. Поврх тога, наш град је последњих година највеће зимовалиште малих сова ушара на свету.

Шта знате о њима?

29 Nov 2021


 November is the month when small long-eared owls come to Kikinda's square to spend the winter. What's more, our town's been the world's largest winter roost site of small long-eared owls for the past several years.

How much do you know about our winged visitors? Let's see!

24 Nov 2021

Test 2 Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own.
Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

Fill in the blanks
At six o'clock in the evening, Stella __ (study) for her test. ...

23 Nov 2021

At the Restaurant

Let's practise the dialogue at the restaurant! You can follow the same model when you go to a restaurant.

Хајде да провежбамо разговор у ресторану! Можете користити исти пример када одете у ресторан.

22 Nov 2021


Think about your favourite sport. It can be the one you practise or just watch. Write about it in 80-100 words.
Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What sport do you like? Is it an individual or a team sport? How long have you played it? Are you good at it? Why is this sport more special than the others?
Paragraph 2: Is it an indoor or outdoor sport? Where do you practise or watch it? How often? Who with? What equipment do you need for this sport? What is its aim? If it's a team sport, how many players are there in each team? How do you get points?
Paragraph 3: What are the good sides of this sport? What are its bad sides? Remember the injuries!
Paragraph 4: Why do you like this sport? How does it make you feel when you do or watch it?

19 Nov 2021

(Un)countable Nouns

 There are 10 questions about food, limited time and bonus points. Let's find out how good you are at this quiz!

17 Nov 2021

Present Perfect Simple

Have you ever climbed a mountain, played cricket, travelled by plane, seen or met a famous person?

Today we're talking about experiences. Watch the video for some examples.

16 Nov 2021

Day for Tolerance

It's International Day for Tolerance, a day to promote respect and dignity. But, we should always show patience and understanding, and accept differences, not only on 16 November, because differences make our lives richer.

How do you practise tolerance?

Данас је Међународни дан толеранције, дан када се промовише поштовање и достојанство. Али, требало би увек да будемо стрпљиви, да разумемо и прихватамо различитости, не само 16. новембра, јер различитости обогаћују наш живот.

Како ви показујете да сте толерантни?

15 Nov 2021

Good at...

What's your favourite sport? What sport are you good at? What sport are you not so good at? What sport would you like to try? Why?

Share in the comments.

5 Nov 2021

Guy Fawkes Day

The British celebrate Guy Fawkes Day on 5 November. They eat jacket potatoes and toffee apples, and organise a firework display in the evening.

What's your favourite celebration? Why? What do you do then?

4 Nov 2021


 Dear students,
Your task is to write a book review, including:
- the name of the book and its author
- setting (When and where does the story take place?)
- characters (Who are the main characters? What do they look like? What are they like? Did you like them? How did they make you feel? Who was your favourite character and why?)
- plot (What is the story about? What happened? Was it fun to read? Did you like the story ending and why?)
- your opinion (Did you like the book? What was your favourite part and why? What would you change? Were there any funny/scary bits? Did you learn anything? Who should read the book?)
In your group, decide who'll present each of these: setting, characters, plot, opinion.
Also, write down 3 questions to quiz your friends.
For any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Happy reading =)
PS You can use any of the templates in the folder. Just make a copy, give it a new name (the name of your book) and try not to delete anyone else's wok. Thank you =)


 Dear students,
Your task is to write a book review, including:
- the name of the book and its author
- setting (When and where does the story take place?)
- characters (Who are the main characters? What do they look like? What are they like? Did you like them? How did they make you feel? Who was your favourite character and why?)
- plot (What is the story about? What happened? Was it fun to read? Did you like the story ending and why?)
- your opinion (Did you like the book? What was your favourite part and why? What would you change? Were there any funny/scary bits? Did you learn anything? Who should read the book?)
In your group, decide who'll present each of these: setting, characters, plot, opinion.
Also, write down 3 questions to quiz your friends.
For any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Happy reading =)
PS You can use any of the templates in the folder. Just make a copy, give it a new name (the name of your book) and try not to delete anyone else's wok. Thank you =)


Dear students, here's the link to your book: https://vk.com/doc2546448_564797179?hash=5c370dd9e362e8ed69.
Your task is to write a book review, including:
- the name of the book and its author
- setting (When and where does the story take place?)
- characters (Who are the main characters? What do they look like? What are they like? Did you like them? How did they make you feel? Who was your favourite character and why?)
- plot (What is the story about? What happened? Was it fun to read? Did you like the story ending and why?)
- your opinion (Did you like the book? What was your favourite part and why? What would you change? Were there any funny/scary bits? Did you learn anything? Who should read the book?)
In your group, decide who'll present each of these: setting, characters, plot, opinion.
Also, write down 3 questions to quiz your friends.
For any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Happy reading =)
You can use any of the templates in the folder (https://www.canva.com/brand/join?token=CbS69efwR1bCunM12JT5ng&brandingVariant=edu&referrer=team-invite). Just make a copy, give it a new name (the name of your book) and try not to delete anyone else's wok. Thank you =)

3 Nov 2021


 What kind of books do you like?

  • Action & Adventure
  • Classics
  • Comic
  • Detective & Mystery
  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction
  • Suspense & Thrillers

2 Nov 2021


 What's the name of your favourite restaurant or café? Where is it? How often do you go there? Who with?
What does it look like? Is it big or small? What colour are the walls? Are there any paintings on the walls?
What can you order there? What's your favourite thing on the menu? Why?
Why do you like going there?

Како се зове твој омиљени ресторан или кафић? Колико често га посећујеш? Са ким?
Како изгледа? Да ли је велики или мали? Које боје су му зидови? Има ли слика на зидовима?
Шта тамо може да се наручи? Шта ти је омиљено на јеловнику? Зашто?
Зашто волиш да идеш тамо?

Street Food

What do you think about street food?

Watch the video and find out which street food the people around the world like. Which of these would you like to try, and why?

Шта мислите о уличној храни?

Погледајте видео и откријте шта то људи широм света воле да поједу на улици. Шта бисте од овога желели да пробате и зашто?

1 Nov 2021


It's one of the most favourite festivals of the children in western countries. They can dress up and have fun then.