28 Feb 2022


 Which type of games do you like? Why do you like them?

  • action/adventure
  • problem-solving
  • simulation
  • strategy
  • platform

25 Feb 2022


 How much do you know about dinosaurs? Play this game and find out!
Write your name and the first letter of your surname to enter the game.

23 Feb 2022

Test 3 Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own.
Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

I ..... cook today - Leo's already made pasta.
A. don't have to
B. should ...

Pink Shirt Day

It's Pink Shirt Day!

Don't stand by, stand up!, Violence is not a solution!, Be a buddy, not a bully! are just some of the messages promoting anti-bullying.

What's your powerful message? Please, share in the comments below.

22 Feb 2022

Past Simple To Be

Today we're starting our journey back into the past. Take a look at the verb to be.

Данас почињемо наше путовање у прошлост. Погледајте како се понаша глагол јесам.

21 Feb 2022

Modal Verbs

Let's revise modal verbs!

  • Can you create an online game?
  • What could you do when you were four?
  • Where would you like to spend your summer holiday?

Share in the comments below.

11 Feb 2022

Walking around Europe

How good are you at geography? Let's find out!
Which country would you like to visit? Why?

9 Feb 2022

Safer Internet Day

Online safety is very important, now more than ever. Take a look at the tips and check your knowledge with these quizzes.
What are the good sides of the Internet? What are its bad sides? Share your opinion in the comments.

8 Feb 2022

Safer Internet Day

 It's Safer Internet Day today. Do you know how to stay safe on the internet? What must we do when we're online? What mustn't we do? Share your tips in the comments.

Данас је Дан сигурнијег интернета. Да ли знате како да останете безбедни на интернету? Шта морамо да радимо када смо онлајн? Шта не смемо да радимо? Поделите савете у коментару.


Dear pupils,
I'm sending you a new list of books to read (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/3UxmtlOmuUV). This time, you're not going to read and present the book as a team. You can use any of the free Canva templates, now in the Templates folder, to:
- review the chosen book,
- describe your favourite character (What's the book about? What's your favourite character's name? What does he / she look like? What colour eyes / hair has he got? How old is he / she? What kind of clothes does he / she wear? What is he / she like? What are his / her good and bad sides? What's important to him / her? What does he / she like / hate doing? How does he / she treat other people? How does he / she change towards the end of the book? What is his / her dream? Why is he / she your favourite character? What is so special about him / her? Are there any similarities or differences between you two?) or
- compare the book to the film of the same name (When and where does the story take place? In what ways is it different in the film than how you imagined? What do the characters look like? What are they like? Who's your favourite character? Are there any characters or parts of the book that aren't in the film? Why do you think they're left out? Do you think that the people who made the film did a good job of portraying the book? Why or why not? What did you enjoy more, the book or the film?).
Make a copy of the template and write the title of your book. I'd also kindly ask you not to delete other pupils' works.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
The deadline for finishing your work is  7 March. I hope a month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)


Dear pupils,
I'm sending you a new list of books to read (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/3aCc0L34sMV). This time, you're not going to read and present the book as a team. You can use any of the free Canva templates, now in the Templates folder, to:
- review the chosen book,
- describe your favourite character (What's the book about? What's your favourite character's name? What does he / she look like? What colour eyes / hair has he got? How old is he / she? What kind of clothes does he / she wear? What is he / she like? What are his / her good and bad sides? What's important to him / her? What does he / she like / hate doing? How does he / she treat other people? How does he / she change towards the end of the book? What is his / her dream? Why is he / she your favourite character? What is so special about him / her? Are there any similarities or differences between you two?) or
- compare the book to the film of the same name (When and where does the story take place? In what ways is it different in the film than how you imagined? What do the characters look like? What are they like? Who's your favourite character? Are there any characters or parts of the book that aren't in the film? Why do you think they're left out? Do you think that the people who made the film did a good job of portraying the book? Why or why not? What did you enjoy more, the book or the film?).
Make a copy of the template and write the title of your book. I'd also kindly ask you not to delete other pupils' works.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
The deadline for finishing your work is  7 March. I hope a month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)


 Dear pupils,
I'm sending you a new list of books to read (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/3EDb6Cih0N3). This time, you're not going to read and present the book as a team, but please, when choosing a title, make sure that the same book hasn't already been chosen by someone from your class. You can use any of the free Canva templates, now in the Templates folder, to review the chosen book. Just make a copy of the template and write the title of your book. I'd also kindly ask you not to delete other pupils' works.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
The deadline for finishing your work is  7 March. I hope a month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)


 Dear pupils,
I'm sending you a new list of books to read (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/3GhFMjQmYAl). This time, you're not going to read and present the book as a team, but please, when choosing a title, make sure that the same book hasn't already been chosen by someone from your class. You can use any of the free Canva templates, now in the Templates folder, to review the chosen book. Just make a copy of the template and write the title of your book. I'd also kindly ask you not to delete other pupils' works.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
The deadline for finishing your work is  7 March. I hope a month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)


 Dear pupils,
I'm sending you a new list of books to read (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/3O3Q2OOllNJ). This time, you're not going to read and present the book as a team, but please, when choosing a title, make sure that the same book hasn't already been chosen by someone from your class. You can use any of the free Canva templates, now in the Templates folder, to review the chosen book or describe your favourite character. Just make a copy of the template and write the title of your book. I'd also kindly ask you not to delete other pupils' works.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
The deadline for finishing your work is  7 March. I hope a month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)


 Dragi đaci, Kao što sam najavila, šaljem vam novi spisak knjiga za čitanje (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/2Z98bPf3YIF). Ovoga puta, knjigu čitate sami, ali vas molim da, kada birate naslov, vodite računa da istu knjigu nije već izabrao neko iz vašeg odeljenja. Za prikaz knjige možete iskoristiti bilo koji od besplatnih Canva šablona koji su sada u fascikli Templates. Samo napravite kopiju šablona i upišite naslov svoje knjige. Još bih vas zamolila da ne obrišete tuđe radove. U slučaju da imate bilo kakvih pitanja, javite mi se. Rok za predaju rada je 7. mart. Nadam se da je mesec dana dovoljno. Uživajte u čitanju =)

7 Feb 2022


 Which of these is your favourite gadget? How do you use it? How often?
Do you think they'll be around in 20 years? Why do you think so?

  • smartphone
  • tablet
  • games console
  • drone
  • VR headset

4 Feb 2022

1 Feb 2022

In the street

Let's practise asking and giving directions! You can follow the same model in the street.

Хајде да провежбамо како да тражимо и дајемо упутства за сналажење у простору! Можете користити исти пример на улици.