30 Mar 2022


 There are 10 questions, limited time and bonus points. Let's find out how good you are at this quiz!

29 Mar 2022

Favourite Possessions

 Think about your favourite possession. Describe it.

  • What is it? How long have you had it? Was it a gift or did you buy it?
  • What does it look like? How big is it? What is it made of? What colour is it?
  • What do you do with it? How often do you use it? Where do you keep it?
  • Why is it so special?

28 Mar 2022


Articles are very important in English. They give us some important information about a person, thing or place. Watch the video for more examples.

Please, share an example for each in the comments below.

25 Mar 2022


 There are 10 questions, limited time and bonus points. Let's find out how good you are at this quiz!

23 Mar 2022


Nouns are the names of people, animals, things, places or ideas. There are different kinds of them in English.
Can you tell them apart? Please, share an example for each in the comments below.

22 Mar 2022

World Water Day

It's all around us, and even in our body, we can't live without it, but  we don't do much to keep it clean or save it.
How do you use water? What can you do to save it?

Свуда је око нас, чак и у нашем телу, не можемо да живимо без ње, али не чинимо баш много да нам остане чиста или да је сачувамо.
Како користите воду? Шта можете да учините да је сачувате?

21 Mar 2022


Let's celebrate the beauty of spring! Go out, explore the nature, take photos and create Haiku poems!
A haiku has got three lines:
- 5 syllables in the first line,
- 7 syllables in the second line, and
- 5 syllables in the third line.
Don't forget to have fun!
Share your photos and poems in the comments below =)
PS If you use somebody else's photo, please add the author's name.

18 Mar 2022


 When we compare one person, animal or thing with a group, we use superlative. Play the game and meet some animal record breakers.

Када поредимо једну особу, животињу или ствар са групом, користимо суперлатив. Одиграј игру и упознај неке рекордере међу животињама.

Most short adjectives take the -est in superlative, but there are some which change their spelling.

Већина кратких придева добија наставак у суперлативу, али код неких има и других промена у писању.

15 Mar 2022


 Most short adjectives take the -er in comparative, but there are others which change their spelling. Can you sort them right?

Већина кратких придева добија наставак у компаративу, али код неких има и других промена у писању. Можете ли да их групишете?

When we compare two people, animals or things we use comparative. How  many can you spell right? Try this crossword and find out!

Када упоређујемо две особе, животиње или ствари користимо компаратив.  Колико их можете правилно исписати? Пробајте ову укрштеницу и откријте!

Comparison of Adjectives

Today we're talking about the Comparison of Adjectives. Watch the video for some examples.

Данас говоримо о поређењу придева. Погледајте видео са примерима.

14 Mar 2022

A Dream Job

 Think about what you would like to do in the future. Write about your dream job in 80-100 words.
Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What is the perfect job for you?
Paragraph 2: What qualifications do you need? What kind of person do you need to be to do this job well? What are its good sides?
Paragraph 3: What are its bad sides? Is there anything about this job that you would not enjoy?
Paragraph 4: Why would you like to do that job? How would it make you feel?

11 Mar 2022


 Which of these is your favourite gadget? What do you use it for? How often?

  • smartphone
  • tablet
  • games console
  • drone
  • VR headset

9 Mar 2022

Women's Day

Google celebrated the women round the world yesterday.

How do you show your mum that she's a special person?

8 Mar 2022

Test 3 Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own. 

Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

They ..... at the shopping centre last Monday.
A. wasn't
B. weren't ...

7 Mar 2022

Musical Instruments

Can you play an instrument? If you can, how often do you play it? If you can't, what instrument would you like to play, and why?


 What type of music do you like? Who's your favourite singer? What's your favourite band? Why do you like them?

  • jazz
  • reggae
  • hip hop
  • hard rock
  • heavy metal
  • punk
  • rap
  • techno
  • indie
  • classical

4 Mar 2022

Last Weekend

 Where were you on Saturday afternoon? Who was with you?

  • at home
  • at the park
  • in a shop
  • at a friend's house
  • at my grandparents' house

2 Mar 2022


     Imagine you are a robot or a game designer. Choose one topic, please. Click on Open to see all the questions.

    Describe your robot:

  • What is the robot's name?
  • What does it look like? Is it big or small? What colour is it? Is it shiny or not? Does it wear any clothes? Has it got arms, legs and eyes? How big are they? What colour are they?
  • What is your robot like? Cheerful, serious...?
  • What is it made of? Metal, steel, plastic, recyclable material...?
  • What can it do?
  • Who is it for?
  • How can you order it? How much does it cost?

    Describe your online game:

  • What's the name of your online game? What type of game is it?
  • Where can you play it? How do you start the game? How many levels or programmes are there? What happens at each? How do you stop playing?
  • What is the story about? Who are the characters? What are they like? What do they do?
  • What is the aim of the game?
  • What ages is it for?
  • Why is this game different? Why should people play it?
  • Where can you find the game? How much does it cost?

1 Mar 2022

Was or Were?

 When do we use 'was'? What about 'were'? Play this game and check! 

Write your name and the first letter of your surname to enter the game.