31 May 2022

Going to Future

Today we're starting our journey into the future. Watch the video for some examples. ‌

Данас почињемо наше путовање у будућност. Одгледајте видео са примерима.

30 May 2022

Past Participles

 Can you match these infinitives to their past participle forms? Let's see!

27 May 2022


What's your favourite weather? What do you wear when the weather's like that? What do you like doing then?

25 May 2022

Test 4 Practice

 Read the instructions carefully and check your knowledge. Do the tasks on your own.
Пажљиво прочитајте упутства и проверите своје знање. Радите самостално.

Whose money ..... on the table?
A. is
B. are ...

Order of Adjectives

 Can you put the adjectives into the correct order? Let's find out!

24 May 2022

Buying Tickets

Let's practise buying tickets for different means of transportation! You can follow the same model when you travel.

23 May 2022


 There are 10 questions, limited time and bonus points. Let's find out how good you are at this quiz!

20 May 2022

Far Away

Listen to the song. Think of a new verse about one of your friends:
(Name) went on holiday,
All the way to (Country).
She / He didn't (do what),
So she / he (did what).

18 May 2022

Teen Camps

Imagine you're the manager of a teen camp. Design a leaflet to advertise your camp. Don't forget to include the following:

  • the name of the camp,
  • what type of camp it is (sports, arts, technology, adventure),
  • what activities someone can do there,
  • who it is suitable for (age of participants, interests),
  • dates it is open,
  • fees (if it's not free).

Use a free Canva template for this task. Make sure it is effective, attractive and appropriate.

Share the link to your leaflet, please.

17 May 2022


How fast can you match the flags to the countries? Let's see!

Which flag is the most interesting for you? Why?

16 May 2022

Daily Tasks

 Are you as busy as a bee? Which of these is your favourite daily task? How often do you do it?

  • tidying the room
  • taking the dog for a walk
  • doing the washing-up
  • taking out the rubbish
  • drying the dishes
  • setting the table
  • dusting the furniture
  • watering the plants
  • feeding the pet

13 May 2022

Summer Holidays

 Do you remember your holiday last year? Write about it.

  • Where did you go? Who did you go with? How did you travel?
  • Where did you stay? How long were you there?
  • What did you do there? What did you see? What was the weather like? Did you have fun?
  • Why did you like it?

Use the game as an example. You can add photos or draw pictures, too.

11 May 2022

Trejler za knjigu

 Снимите рекламу за књигу коју сте недавно прочитали и учествујте у наградном конкурсу кикиндске Народне библиотеке до 15. јуна!

Више детаља на званичној страници библиотеке.

Film Magic

 Put on your creativity hat and use your digital skills to create some film magic!

  • Design a film poster for a film you'd like to watch. The poster should contain the film title, credits, and use visuals/graphics to capture what the film is about. You can use Canva or Genially.
  • Produce and film a trailer for a film you've created. It can be any genre or style, but should grab the audience's attention.

If you're interested, please, share the link to your film or poster by 10 June.

10 May 2022

Europe Day

Every year on 9 May the Europeans celebrate Europe Day.
How about exploring our continent? Choose one country and find out the name of its capital city, what it's famous for, its national animal, flower and instrument, the name of its traditional dish, and things like that.

Сваке године 9. маја Европљани славе Дан Европе.
Шта кажете да истражимо наш континент? Изаберите једну државу и откријте назив њеног главног града, по чему је позната, њену националну животињу, цвет и инструмент, назив традиционалног јела, и томе слично.

9 May 2022

Europe Day

It's Europe Day today! How well do you know the continent we live in? Try this quiz and find out!

6 May 2022

Irregular Verbs

 A number of English verbs are irregular in the past and we must learn them by heart. Try to learn some in the game.

Велики број глагола има неправилан облик у прошлом времену и морамо их  научити напамет. Пробајте да научите неке кроз игрицу.

Can you match these infinitives to their irregular past forms? Let's see!

Да ли можете да спојите основни са неправилним обликом глагола у прошлости? Хајде да видимо!


 Dear pupils,
I'm sending you a new list of stories to read (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/3NrP8Dquoed). When you click on the link, you'll have access to the whole collection, but your task is to read only one chosen story from the book.
You can use any of the free Canva templates.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
You have one month to submit your work. Since your task is to read a story, I'm sure one month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)


 Dear pupils,
I'm sending you a new list of stories to read (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/2kP9lapQl5B). When you click on the link, you'll have access to the whole collection, but your task is to read only one chosen story from the book.
You can use any of the free Canva templates.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
You have one month to submit your work. Since your task is to read a story, I'm sure one month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)


 Dear pupils,
I'm sending you a new list of stories to read (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/2cNdix2465R). This time, you're not going to read and present the story as a team, but please, when choosing a title, make sure that the same story hasn't already been chosen by someone from your class.
One more thing, when you click on the link, you'll have access to the whole collection, but your task is to read only one chosen story from the book.
You can use any of the free Canva templates.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
You have one month to submit your work. Since your task is to read a story, I'm sure one month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)


 Dear pupils,
I'm sending you a new list of stories to read (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/2n5KDIoVrlJ). This time, you're not going to read and present the story as a team, but please, when choosing a title, make sure that the same story hasn't already been chosen by someone from your class.
One more thing, when you click on the link, you'll have access to the whole collection, but your task is to read only one chosen story from the book.
You can use any of the free Canva templates.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
You have one month to submit your work. Since your task is to read a story, I'm sure one month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)


 Dear pupils,
I'm sending you a new list of stories to read (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/2eKGuZOIVUl). This time, you're not going to read and present the story as a team, but please, when choosing a title, make sure that the same story hasn't already been chosen by someone from your class.
One more thing, when you click on the link, you'll have access to the whole collection, but your task is to read only one chosen story from the book.
You can use any of the free Canva templates.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
You have one month to submit your work. Since your task is to read a story, I'm sure one month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)


 Dragi đaci,
Kao što sam najavila, šaljem vam novi spisak knjiga za čitanje (http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/35GCmYcqXet). Ovoga puta, birate jednu priču iz zbirke koju čitate sami, ali vas molim da, kada birate priču, vodite računa da istu nije već izabrao neko iz vašeg odeljenja.
Napominjem da klikom na link imate pristup zbirci, ali čitate samo jednu izabranu priču.
Za prikaz priče možete iskoristiti bilo koji od besplatnih Canva šablona.
U slučaju da imate bilo kakvih pitanja, javite mi se.
Za predaju rada imate mesec dana. S obzirom na to da je u pitanju priča, mislim da je to sasvim dovoljno.
Uživajte u čitanju =)

4 May 2022


A pronoun is a word that can be used in place of a noun or a noun phrase. There are different types of pronouns.

Can you tell them apart? Please, share an example of each in the comments below.