23 Nov 2022

Thanksgiving Day

Every fourth Thursday in November the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Families have a special meal and give thanks to the things they've got. 

What are you thankful for?

21 Nov 2022


Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. They say how, when, where or how often something happens.

There are different types of adverbs, Can you spot the difference?

16 Nov 2022

Day for Tolerance

It's International Day for Tolerance, a day to promote respect and dignity. But, we should always show patience and understanding, and accept differences, not only on 16 November, because differences make our lives richer.

How do you practise tolerance?

14 Nov 2022

Places in a town

What's your favourite place? Why? What can you do there? How often do you go there? Who with?

Let's practise asking for and giving directions! You can follow the same model in the street.

11 Nov 2022

Armistice Day

Today is Armistice Day. The people around the world remember the day in 1918 when the two sides in World War I signed an agreement to stop fighting.

People, usually officials, lay wreaths of flowers on war memorials.

Everyone in the UK stops what they're doing at 11 o'clock in the morning for a two-minute silence. They also wear poppies to show they remember the people who fought in wars. 

A lot of people in Serbia wear a special badge which shows Natalie's Ramonda, a purple flower representing the country's ability to survive problems, and the green Albanian Commemorative Medal. 

9 Nov 2022

Dream Home

Describe your dream house or perfect bedroom. Use about 50-60 words. You can include a drawing. Organise your writing into paragraphs.

Describe your dream house:
Paragraph 1: Where is the house? What is close by?
Paragraph 2: What is your dream house made of? What colour is it?
Paragraph 3: How big is it? How many floors are there? What is there inside? How many rooms are there? What is your favourite room? Why?
Paragraph 4: What is there outside?
Paragraph 5: Why is this house special? Why do you like it?

Describe your perfect bedroom:
Paragraph 1: How big is it? What can you see from your window?
Paragraph 2: What colour are the walls? What is there on the walls?
Paragraph 3: What furniture is there in your perfect bedroom? Where is each item? Use: on, in, under, above, next to, between, or behind.
Paragraph 4: Why is this room so special? Why do you like it?

Ideal School

Take a few moments to think about an ideal school. Imagine you found and run, study or teach in one. Describe it in 100-120 words.

These questions might help you:

  • Where is your ideal school? How big is it? How many classes are there? How many pupils are there in each class?
  • What do the classrooms look like? What colour are the walls? What is there in each classroom? How are desks organised? Are there any plants, stations, nooks or reading corners?
  • What facilities are there? Is there a park, greenhouse, gym, playground, or a swimming pool? What can pupils do during breaks? Do they organise some events together? If yes, what kind?
  • What is the timetable like? What time do the lessons start / finish every day? How long are the lessons? What do the pupils learn? How do they learn? Does your ideal school prepare the pupils for their future life?
  • Is your ideal school eco-friendly? How do you know? Do pupils feel safe? What rules must everyone follow? What happens when somebody breaks them?
  • Are there any negative features?
  • Why is this school so special? What do you like about it?

7 Nov 2022

Bonfire Night

The British celebrate Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, every year to mark the date of the failed Gunpowder Plot in 1605. They organise parties with bonfires and fireworks.

Now, check these safety tips! Are there any you'd like to add?


When we move a part of our body to send a message, we use gestures. However, some gestures don't mean the same in different parts of the world.

See if you can match the country to the gestures in this quiz.

What do you usually do when you meet your friends? And your family members? How is this different from meeting your neighbours or teachers?