Things aren't going Santa's way this year. Will you help him out?
21 Dec 2022
New Year Wishes
New Year's just around the corner. Why don't you design a card and wish those you care about all the best in a creative way? You can use Canva or PosterMyWall.
19 Dec 2022
Dear pupils,
Your task is to read and present your chosen book, including:
- the name of the book and its author
- setting (When and where does the story take place?)
- characters (Who are the main characters? What do they look like? What are they like? Did you like them? How did they make you feel? Who was your favourite character and why?)
- plot (What is the story about? What happened? Was it fun to read? Did you like the story ending and why?)
- your opinion (Did you like the book? What was your favourite part and why? What would you change? Were there any funny/scary bits? Did you learn anything? Who should read the story?)
In your group, decide who'll present each of these: setting, characters, plot, opinion. Also, write down 3 questions to quiz your friends.
For any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Happy reading =)
PS You can use any of the Canva templates in the folder. Just make a copy, give it a new name (the name of your book) and try not to delete anyone else's wok. Thank you =)
14 Dec 2022
Everyday Activities
When we talk about everyday activities, we add the -s or -es ending to the verb in the third person singular, but there are some verbs which change their spelling. Can you sort them right? Enter your name before you start the game.
Када причамо о свакодневним активностима, глаголима додајемо наставак у трећем лицу једнине, али код неких има и других промена у писању. Можете ли да их групишете? Упишите своје име пре него што започнете игру.
For questions and negatives in the present simple, we need DO/DOES, DON'T/DOESN'T. Can you tell the difference?
У упитним и одричним реченицама у садашњем времену, користимо помоћни глагол. Да ли уочавате разлику?-
Dear pupils, I'm sharing with you a list of stories to read. This time, as well, you're going to read and present the story individ...
Dear pupils, I'm sharing with you a list of stories to read. This time, as well, you're going to read and present the story individ...