24 May 2023

Wild Animals

Our planet is home to about 30 million different kinds of animals. Some live in their natural habitats while the others live in zoos.
Choose one endangered or national wild animal and use about 50-60 words to write about it. Organise your writing into 5 paragraphs.
Paragraph 1: What is the animal's name? Is it endangered or national wild animal?
Paragraph 2: What does it look like? What colour is it? What can you say about the animal's eyes, ears, nose...? How tall / long is it?
Paragraph 3: Where does it live? What does it eat? How much does it weigh?
Paragraph 4: What can it do well? How long does it live?
Paragraph 5: Why is this animal interesting?

Наша планета је дом више од 30 милиона врста животиња. Неке живе у свом природном окружењу док друге живе у зоолошким вртовима.
Изаберите једну угрожену или националну дивљу животињу и опишите је у 50-60 речи. Организујте састав у пасусе.
Први пасус: Како се зове животиња? Да ли је угрожена или дивља животиња која живи у нашој земљи?
Други пасус: Како изгледа? Које је боје? Шта можете рећи о њеним очима, ушима, носу...? Колико је висока / дуга?
Трећи пасус: Где живи? Чиме се храни? Колико је тешка?
Четврти пасус: Шта уме добро да ради? Колико дуго живи?
Пети пасус: Зашто је ова животиња занимљива?

17 May 2023

Dates and Years

Can you say and read dates and years in English? Let's see!

15 May 2023

International Day of Families

It's International Day of Families! It focuses on the importance of families. A family picnic, telling anecdotes about family members or playing board games can be excellent ways to bring people together!

What does a perfect day with your family look like?

10 May 2023

My Birthday Party

 Write about your last birthday party. Remember to use the past form of the verbs!

Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs: 

Paragraph 1: When did you celebrate your last birthday? 

Paragraph 2: What did you do before the party? Did you write the invitations? How many friends did you invite? Did you have a birthday cake? Who made / bought it? 

Paragraph 3: What time did your guests come to your party? What presents did you get? What was your favourite one? What did you and your friends do at the party? Did you blow out the candles? 

Paragraph 4: Did you have a good time?

You may use the following game as a model:

Music Reviews

 Imagine you are a music critic. Choose one topic and use 60-80 words to write a review about one of the following:

  • a music album
    - What is the name of the album?
    - Whose album is it?
    - What is special about this band / singer? What type of music do they play? (a mix of hip hop and disco)
    - What do you think about the vocals (brilliant, great), tunes (catchy, strong) and lyrics (clever, amazing)?
    - What is the name of the most popular song on the album?
    - How do you rate the album? Who would enjoy listening to it? Why?

  • a singer / band
    - What is the name of the singer / band? Where do they come from?
    - What type of music do they play?
    - What do you think about the vocals (brilliant, great), tunes (catchy, strong) and lyrics (clever, amazing)?
    - What is their best song in your opinion? Why do you like it?
    - How does this music make you feel?
    - Who would enjoy this type of music? Why?

8 May 2023


Dear pupils,
I'm sharing with you a list of stories to read. This time, as well, you're going to read and present the story individually. Please, when choosing a title, make sure that the same story hasn't already been chosen by someone from your class.
One more thing, when you click on the link, you'll have access to the whole collection, but your task is to read only one chosen story from the book.
You can use any of the free Canva templates in the Templates Folder.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
You have one month to submit your work. Since your task is to read a story, I'm sure one month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)

3 May 2023

Past Simple Tense

 In case you missed these quizzes last year, here they are again =)


 What's your favourite type of music? Why?

Vote here.