30 Nov 2023

Life in Twenty Years

 Imagine what your life in twenty years from now would be like. Use 120-140 words to describe it. Organise your writing into paragraphs.

Paragraph 1: Where will you live? In a smart home or space? Will you find the partner of your dreams? What will he/she be like?
Paragraph 2: Where will you work? What kind of skills and knowledge will be needed for your job? What will you do in your free time? Will you be happy/rich/famous/important?
Paragraph 3: What things will change? Will it be better or worse than today? Give some examples, please. Will the environmental problems be solved? How? Will doctors find cures for incurable diseases? Which ones? Will people take holidays in space? What will those holidays be like? Share some details.
Paragraph 4: What is your overall impression of the future? Are you optimistic?

28 Nov 2023


 Дечји културни центар Београд организује конкурс за Национални фестивал дечјег видео клипа КИДИКЕМ. Овогодишња тема је „ХОКУС ФОКУС”. Сви који имају од 9 до 16 година могу послати своје креативне видео записе у трајању до три минута попуњавањем онлајн пријаве. Више детаља на званичном сајту.

Wh- Questions

Let's revise Wh- questions once again!

23 Nov 2023

Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

16 Nov 2023


Think about your favourite sport. It can be the one you practise or just watch. Write about it in 80-100 words.

Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What sport do you like? Is it an individual or a team sport? How long have you played it? Are you good at it? Why is this sport more special than the others?
Paragraph 2: Is it an indoor or outdoor sport? Where do you practise or watch it? How often? Who with? What equipment do you need for this sport? What is the aim of this sport? If it's a team sport, how many players are there in each team? How do you get points?
Paragraph 3: What are the good sides of this sport? What are its bad sides? Remember the injuries!
Paragraph 4: Why do you like this sport? How does it make you feel when you do or watch it?

Safety Comes First

 Make a leaflet with useful advice concerning one of the following:

  • How to stay safe at the beach
  • How to stay safe on the slopes
  • How to stay safe in hotels
  • How to stay safe in the street
  • How to be safe on your bike
  • How to be safe online
  • How to be safe on social media

Give reasons and examples to support your tips and illustrate your leaflet with pictures.

Use a free Canva template for this task, but add your own ideas. Make sure it catches the reader's attention.

14 Nov 2023

Present Perfect Simple

Have you ever climbed a mountain, played cricket, travelled by plane, seen or met a famous person?

Today we're talking about experiences. Watch the video for some examples.

Order of Adjectives

Let's revise the correct order of adjectives!

9 Nov 2023

A Scary Experience

Think about a scary experience you had in the past. Write about it in 80-100 words.

Organise your writing into 3 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Where were you? Who were you with? What was the weather like? What happened first?
Paragraph 2: What happened next? Pay attention to the order the events happened!
Paragraph 3: What happened in the end? How did you feel?

My Favourite Childhood Memory

 What is your favourite childhood memory? Choose the one which you remember vividly. It can be a family gathering, a school or sports event, a travel experience, a competition or some other special moment. 

Write about it in 120-140 words. Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: When did it happen? How old were you? Where were you? Who with? What was the weather like? Share some details.
Paragraph 2: What happened first? What happened next? Remember to order the events chronologically.
Paragraph 3: What happened in the end? How did you feel?
Paragraph 4: How did this moment influence the rest of your life?


2 Nov 2023

Past Continuous Tense

Where were you at 11 o'clock last night? What were you doing? Were you sleeping or playing games?

Today we're talking about actions happening at a specific time in the past. Watch the video for some examples.

Holiday Destinations

 Think of a holiday destination in our country. Prepare an advert for it. 

Don't forget to include:

  • the location
  • accommodation
  • activities
  • cost
Use a free Canva template for this task. Make sure it catches the reader's attention.