31 Jan 2022

If Clauses

Today we're talking about possibilities in the future. Watch the video for some examples.

What will happen if you pass all your exams this term? Share in the comments below.

28 Jan 2022


Kikinda's not very big, but there are some interesting places to visit here.
What's your favourite spot in Kikinda? How often do you go there? Who with?
Think of one place in Kikinda the tourists must visit, why, and share in the comments.
If you have time, you can take your own photos and share them, too.
Let's promote our town together!

Кикинда није велика, али има неколико места која можемо да посетимо овде.
Које је твоје омиљено место у Кикинди? Колико често идеш тамо? Са ким?
Размисли шта то туристи морају обавезно да посете док су овде, зашто, и подели у коментарима.
Ако имате времена, можете га и фотографисати и поделити фотографије.
Хајде да заједно промовишемо наш град!

26 Jan 2022

A Film Review

 Think about your favourite film or the film you've recently seen. Write about it in 80-100 words.
Organise your writing into 3 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What is the title of the film? What type is it? Who was it directed by? Who stars in it?
Paragraph 2: What is the film about? Who are the main characters? Try not to reveal the ending, please!
Paragraph 3: What do you think about the film, actors, special effects, soundtrack,costumes, ending? Should people watch it? Why (not)?

25 Jan 2022


 Imagine you are a robot designer. Design and describe your robot:

  • What is the robot's name?
  • What does it look like? Is it big or small? What colour is it? Is it shiny or not? Does it wear any clothes? Has it got arms, legs and eyes? How big are they? What colour are they?
  • What is your robot like? Cheerful, serious...?
  • What is it made of? Metal, steel, plastic, recyclable material...?
  • What can it do?
  • Who is it for?
  • How much does it cost?

Замисли да дизајнираш роботе. Дизајнирај и опиши свог робота:

  • Како се зове твој робот?
  • Како изгледа? Да ли је велики или мали? Које је боје? Да ли сија или не? Да ли носи неку одећу? Да ли има руке, ноге, очи? Колико су велике? Које су боје?
  • Какав је твој робот? Весео, озбиљан...?
  • Од чега је направљен? Метала, челика, пластике, рециклажног материјала...?
  • Шта уме да ради?
  • Коме је намењен?
  • Колико кошта?

24 Jan 2022

TV Programmes

 What are your favourite TV programmes? Why do you like them?
What TV programmes do you rarely watch? Why?

  • cartoon
  • sports
  • game show
  • documentary
  • police drama
  • the news
  • soap opera
  • cookery show

21 Jan 2022

Everyday Activities

 When we talk about everyday activities, we add the -s or -es ending to  the verb in the third person singular, but there are some verbs which  change their spelling.
For questions and negatives in the present simple, we need DO/DOES, DON'T/DOESN'T.
Can you tell the difference? Enter your name before  you start the game.

Када причамо о свакодневним активностима, глаголима додајемо наставак у  трећем лицу једнине, али код неких има и других промена у писању.
У упитним и одричним реченицама у садашњем времену, користимо помоћни глагол.
Да ли уочавате  разлику? Упишите своје име пре него што започнете игру.

19 Jan 2022

Future Forms

Do you know the difference between 'going to' and 'will'? Let's see!