When we talk about everyday activities, we add the -s or -es ending to the verb in the third person singular, but there are some verbs which change their spelling.
For questions and negatives in the present simple, we need DO/DOES, DON'T/DOESN'T.
Can you tell the difference? Enter your name before you start the game.
Када причамо о свакодневним активностима, глаголима додајемо наставак у трећем лицу једнине, али код неких има и других промена у писању.
У упитним и одричним реченицама у садашњем времену, користимо помоћни глагол.
Да ли уочавате разлику? Упишите своје име пре него што започнете игру.
21 Jan 2022
Everyday Activities
Dear pupils, I'm sharing with you a list of stories to read. This time, as well, you're going to read and present the story individ...
Dear pupils, I'm sharing with you a list of stories to read. This time, as well, you're going to read and present the story individ...