Recycling Day, Day of Forests, Water Day, Earth Day, Environment Day, Oceans Day, Nature Day, etc. There are so many dates in a year when people around the world organise different activities to raise ecological awareness and get everyone involved in the protection of the environment so that we can all live in a healthy world.
Think of three things that we can do to make our school more eco-friendly. Share them in the comments below.
Дан рециклирања, Дан шума, Дан вода, Дан планете Земље, Дан заштите животне средине, Дан океана, Дан природе, итд. Много је датума у години када људи широм света организују различите активности како би подигли еколошку свест и укључили све у заштиту околине да бисмо сви живели у здравом свету.
Сетите се три ствари које бисмо могли да урадимо како би наша школа била више еколошка. Поделите их у коментарима испод.
12 Apr 2022
Healthy World
Dear pupils, I'm sharing with you a list of stories to read. This time, as well, you're going to read and present the story individ...
Dear pupils, I'm sharing with you a list of stories to read. This time, as well, you're going to read and present the story individ...