31 Oct 2022


What's your favourite Halllowe'en song?


It's one of the most favourite festivals of the children in western countries. They dress up as monsters or ghosts and go trick-or-treating then.

26 Oct 2022

Ordinal Numbers

Let's revise ordinal numbers!

Past Tenses

Do you know the difference between the past simple and the past continuous? Let's see!

24 Oct 2022


What's in a house? Play this game and find out!

You can also try this drag-and-drop game.

Schools around the World

Imagine you're a new pupil in your school. What do you notice? What do you like? What don't you like?

Watch the following videos and make notes. What do you think about each school? How can we make learning more active in our classrooms?

Would you like to go to such a school? Why?
What are the good sides of attending this school?

Let's think about the ways to encourage active participation in our classroom!

19 Oct 2022


  Can you name these places? Let's see!

Fun Activities

What are your favourite fun activities? How often do you do them? Who with?

10 Oct 2022


Describe your favourite superhero/superheroine or create your own. Use about 50-60 words. Organise your writing into 5 paragraphs.
Paragraph 1: What's your superhero's/superheroine's name? How old is he/she?
Paragraph 2: What does he/she look like? What does his/her outfit look like?
Paragraph 3: What can he/she do? What are his/her superpowers? How did he/she get them? From radioactivity like Spiderman or another planet like Superman?
Paragraph 4: What does he/she do when they're not superheroes? Who are their family?
Paragraph 5: Why is this superhero/superheroine so interesting?

Опиши омиљеног суперјунака/омиљену суперјунакињу или измисли једног/једну. Употребите 50-60 речи. Организујте састав у пасусе.
Први пасус: Како се зове твој суперјунак/суперјунакиња? Колико има година?
Други пасус: Како изгледа? Какав има костим?
Трећи пасус: Шта уме? Које супермоћи има? Како их је добио/добила? Од радиоактивности или друге планете?
Четврти пасус: Шта ради када није суперјунак/суперјунакиња? Кога има од породице?
Пети пасус: Зашто је овај суперјунак/ова суперјунакиња занимљив/а?

PS If you missed the interesting talk with Stephen Curry about his superpowers last week, you can watch it on-demand.

Ideal Neighbourhoods

Imagine moving to a neighbourhood which has got everything you've ever wanted. 

Write an email to your English friend and describe it in 100-120 words. Don't forget to start with some opening remarks and 'Hi' or 'Dear', and end it with some closing remarks and 'Yours', 'Best wishes' or 'Love'!

These questions might help you:

  • Is your ideal neighbourhood in a busy city or a quiet village?
  • What do the streets, buildings and houses look like?
  • Are there any parks, shops, cinemas or other facilities nearby? What can people do for fun? 
  • What are the people living in your ideal neighbourhood like? Do they organise some events together? If yes, what kind?
  • Is your ideal neighbourhood safe? How do you know? 
  • How can people get around? Is there a public transport? Are there any negative features?
  • Why is this neighbourhood so special?

5 Oct 2022

My Pet

Have you got a pet? What is it? What's its name? How old is he/she?
What does he/she look like?
What can he/she do? What does he/she like? 

Имаш ли љубимца? Којег? Како се зове? Колико је стар?
Како изгледа?
Шта зна? Шта воли?

Have got

 Put the words in the correct order. Enter your name before you start the game

Поређајте речи и склопите реченицу. Упишите своје име пре него што започнете игру.

Present Tenses

Do you know the difference between the present simple and the present continuous? Let's see!

What do you usually do on Fridays?
What are you doing now?

3 Oct 2022

Unlock Your Superpower!

As a warm-up for our unit about superheroes, I'd like to invite you to listen to the NBA superstar Stephen Curry.
You can join the 30-minute event at 7 tomorrow evening using Microsoft Teams. Click on Watch on the web, and Join anonymously.


Can you beat the computer? Let's see! 

Можете ли да победите рачунар? Хајде да проверимо!

Gerund or Infinitive?

Do you know the difference between 'gerund' and '(to)infinitive'? Let's see!