10 Oct 2022

Ideal Neighbourhoods

Imagine moving to a neighbourhood which has got everything you've ever wanted. 

Write an email to your English friend and describe it in 100-120 words. Don't forget to start with some opening remarks and 'Hi' or 'Dear', and end it with some closing remarks and 'Yours', 'Best wishes' or 'Love'!

These questions might help you:

  • Is your ideal neighbourhood in a busy city or a quiet village?
  • What do the streets, buildings and houses look like?
  • Are there any parks, shops, cinemas or other facilities nearby? What can people do for fun? 
  • What are the people living in your ideal neighbourhood like? Do they organise some events together? If yes, what kind?
  • Is your ideal neighbourhood safe? How do you know? 
  • How can people get around? Is there a public transport? Are there any negative features?
  • Why is this neighbourhood so special?