30 Jan 2023

(Un)Countable Nouns

In case you missed these games last year, here they are again =)


Can, May, Should and Have to are just some of the modal verbs used in English. We use them to express ability, permission or advice.

Read these questions, and think carefully about the pros (advantages) and cons (disadvantages) of such situations, giving your reasons for and against, with examples. What's your conclusion?

  • Should we keep wild animals in zoos?
  • Should we keep wild animals as pets?
  • Should animals be cloned?
  • Should animals be used to test medicines and cosmetics? 

Remember to link your arguments with appropriate linkers:

  • To list arguments, use: To start with, Firstly, Secondly, Finally, Also
  • To introduce examples, use: for example, so that, such as
  • To show contrast, use: On the other hand, but, However
  • To conclude, use: In conclusion, To sum up, All in all

25 Jan 2023

Famous People

Write about your favourite famous person. It can be a sportsperson, actor/actress, singer, writer, activist, but they must be alive. 

P1: What's his/her name? Has he/she got a nickname? What does he/she do for a living?
P2: When and where was he/she born? Where does he/she live? Who does he/she live with?
P3: What does he/she do every day? Write about his/her daily routine.
P4: What does he/she like doing in his/her free time? Who with?
P5: Why is this famous person special? 

Don't copy/paste from the internet! Try to use your own words!

Take a look at these videos and meet the girls whose actions might inspire you to make a difference in your own environment.


To talk about facts and possible results in the future, we use Type 0 and Type 1 Conditionals. 

What do you do when you're happy?

What will you do if it rains at the weekend?

23 Jan 2023

WLL Survey

Share what you think about education and make a difference in tomorrow's world!

The short survey is anonymous and takes only 10 minutes to complete and data will be shared with policy leaders working to improve education for all. Quality Education is among the 17 Sustainable Goals established by the United Nations in 2015.

All teachers and pupils will receive their certificates!

The deadline is 24th January.

GKC Week

This week, millions of pupils and their teachers will join together to celebrate kindness. You can join in, too!


How will you grow kindness?

18 Jan 2023

My Favourite Day

Write about your favourite day of the week. You can make your timeline first. Organise your writing in paragraphs. These questions can help you:

P1: Which is your favourite day of the week?
P2: What time do you usually get up? What do you do first? Do you make your bed? Who makes your breakfast? What do you usually eat? What do you do after breakfast?
P3: What time do you usually have lunch? What's your favourite lunch? Do you have lunch with your family? 
P4: What do you do in the afternoon? Do you play with your friends/pets, go to the park, walk your dog, or go shopping?
P5: What do you do in the evening? Do you watch TV, read books/comics, listen to music, or play games? What time do you usually have dinner? Who prepares it? Do you help? What do you usually eat?
P6: What time do you go to bed? What do you do before you go to bed?
P7: Why is it your favourite day?
- If it's a workday, how many lessons have you got then? Can you name them? Do you like morning or afternoon shifts better? Why? What do you do in your break time? What after school activities do you do?

You can use the following game as the example.

Future Forms

As you know, there are different ways of talking about the future in English. We can use going to + infinitive, will + infinitive, the present simple or continuous, depending on what we want to say. 

Watch the videos for some more examples:

16 Jan 2023


How good are you at asking questions? Bear in mind that most interrogative words are followed by an auxiliary verb.

New Year's Resolutions

What are your New Year's resolutions? Click on any of the post-it notes, type your resolutions and click on Post. You can tag yourself if you want to.