30 Jan 2023


Can, May, Should and Have to are just some of the modal verbs used in English. We use them to express ability, permission or advice.

Read these questions, and think carefully about the pros (advantages) and cons (disadvantages) of such situations, giving your reasons for and against, with examples. What's your conclusion?

  • Should we keep wild animals in zoos?
  • Should we keep wild animals as pets?
  • Should animals be cloned?
  • Should animals be used to test medicines and cosmetics? 

Remember to link your arguments with appropriate linkers:

  • To list arguments, use: To start with, Firstly, Secondly, Finally, Also
  • To introduce examples, use: for example, so that, such as
  • To show contrast, use: On the other hand, but, However
  • To conclude, use: In conclusion, To sum up, All in all