27 Mar 2023


Dear pupils,
I'm sharing with you a new list of books to read. This time, you're not going to read and present the book as a team, but please, when choosing a title, make sure that the same book hasn't already been chosen by someone from your class. You can use any of the free Canva templates in the Templates folder, to review the chosen book. Just make a copy of the template and write the title of your book. I'd also kindly ask you not to delete other pupils' works.
In case you have any questions, let me know.
The deadline for finishing your work is  the end of April. I hope a month is enough.
Enjoy reading =)

22 Mar 2023

Greetings from...

 Imagine that you're on holidays. Write a postcard to your friend. Use 50 - 60 words.

P1: Where are you writing from? Where are you staying?
P2: What's the weather like? What are you wearing?
P3: What are you doing now? Who's with you? What are they doing?
P4: What are you going to do next? Where are you going to go? What are you going to see?

Remember to start your postcard with: Hi / Hello / Dear (your friend's name) and end it with: See you soon / Love, (your name)!

The Passive Voice

When we want to show that the action is more important than the person who carries it out, aka the agent, we use the passive voice.

20 Mar 2023


Let's celebrate the beauty of spring! Go out, explore the nature, take photos and create Haiku poems!
A haiku has got three lines:
- 5 syllables in the first line,
- 7 syllables in the second line, and
- 5 syllables in the third line.
Don't forget to have fun!
Share your photos and poems in our e-book =)

By the way, spring officially begins at 10.24 tonight, local time, with Vernal Equinox (= day and night are of equal length).

Book Characters

Dear pupils,

Your task is to read your chosen book, but, this time, pay more attention to the characters. 

Create a presentation or design an infographic. 

You can:

- choose one character from your chosen book, and answer the following questions:
  • Introduction: Who is your favourite, or least favourite, character? Choose one to describe. What is his / her name? What is his / her job? 
  • Physical Appearance: What does he / she look like? What colour eyes / hair has he / she got? How old is he / she? What kind of clothes does he / she wear?
  • Personality: What is he / she like? What can you say about his / her character? What are his / her good and bad sides? What things are important to him / her? Give examples to support everything you write.
  • Behaviour: What does he / she like / hate doing? How does he / she treat other people? Who does he / she like / hate? Give examples to support everything you write. 
  • Change: How does he / she change towards the end of the book? What does he / she want? What is his / her dream? Give examples to support everything you write.
  • Conclusion: Why is he / she your (least) favourite character? What is so special about him / her? 
- compare two characters from your chosen book:
  • Introduction: What are the names of the two characters you want to compare and contrast? Where do they  come from? How are they related?
  • Physical Appearance: What do they look like? What colour eyes / hair have they got? How old are they? What kind of clothes do they wear? How are they similar or different? 
  • Personality: What are they like? What can you say about their character? What are their good and bad sides? What things are important to them? How are they similar or different? Give examples to support everything you write. 
  • Behaviour: What do they like / hate doing? How do they treat other people? Who do they like / hate? Give examples to support everything you write. 
  • Change: How do they change towards the end of the book? What do they want? What are their dreams? Give examples to support everything you write. 
  • Conclusion: Why did you choose these two characters? What is so special about them?
  • Personal Connection: Which of these two characters are you most like? Explain why you think so.  

Your presentation / infographic should also include:
- the name of the book and its author
- setting (When and where does the story take place?)
- short summary of the book (What is the story about? What happened? Was it fun to read? Did you like the story ending and why?)
- characters (Who are the main characters? What do they look like? What are they like? Did you like them? How did they make you feel? Who was your favourite character and why?)

The deadline is the end of April.

For any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Enjoy reading =)

PS You can use any of the Canva templates in the folder or create an infographic. If you decide to use the templates, just make a copy, give it a new name (the name of your book) and try not to delete anyone else's work, please. Thank you =)

World Happiness Day

Every year, people around the world celebrate happiness on 20 March. So, let's put a smile on our face, think happy thoughts and make our world a happier and kinder place!

15 Mar 2023

Present Continuous Tense

Today, we're revising the present continuous tense.

In case you missed the activities last year, here they are again!

Teen Problems

 Imagine you're an advice columnist (aka Agony Aunt / Uncle) working for a magazine. Write a letter of advice to a teen on how to deal with their problem. Use 100-120 words.

You might follow this plan:
P1: express your sympathy (I'm sorry to hear that...), state the reason for writing
P2: write your first piece of advice and support it with possible results
P3: write another piece of advice and add expected results
P4: express hope that things will get better (I hope that...) 

The following  expressions might help you:
- to give advice: I think you should/shouldn't..., If I were you, I'd..., It would be a good idea if..., The best thing to do is..., One thing you can do is..., Why don't you...?, Have you thought of...?
- to give support/result: This will mean that..., Then,..., This/That way..., If you do this, you will... . 

Don't forget to start your letter with 'Dear', and end it with some closing remarks and 'Best wishes'!

13 Mar 2023

My Favourite Season

Think about your favourite season. Describe it in 50-60 words,

Organise your writing in paragraphs. These questions might help you:

  • Which is your favourite season? Why do you like it?
  • What's the weather like then? What do you usually wear? 
  • What do you like doing then? What's your favourite activity? 
  • Where do you usually go? Who with?
  • Why is this season your favourite?

8 Mar 2023

Mother's Day

It's International Women's Day! In some countries, including ours, it's also Mother's Day.

How do you show your mum that she's special?

Women's Day

March is Women's History Month and today's International Women's Day. So, why not learn about some remarkable women who made a difference?

By the way, this year's theme is: DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality.

1 Mar 2023

Healthy Eating

What do you usually eat and drink? Do you think your diet is healthy or unhealthy? Do you think you should change anything?

Question Tags

Question tags are very common in English. They're short questions at the end of statements. We use them when we're not sure of something, if it's true or not, or when we want to confirm something.

This game show host's rather rude, isn't he?

Now, try out this quiz, click on Start and check how much you know about question tags.