18 Jan 2024

Job Applications

Choose one of the job advertisements. 

Write your letter of application for the job.

Try to include the answers to the following questions:
- Who are you writing to?
- Why are you writing the letter?
- Where did you see the advert?
- Who are you? What are you studying?
- Have you got any work experience?
- What are you like?
- When are you available for an interview?

Follow the plan:
Dear ...,
P1: I am writing to apply ... as advertised in ... .
P2: I am ... old. I am studying ... (Although) I have ... experience, I am ... .
P3: I am available for an interview ... . I look forward to hearing ... .
Yours sincerely,

PS Do you know the difference between hard skills and soft skills? Read this article and find out more.