26 Mar 2024

My Favourite Painting

 Do you like going to art galleries or museums? Who is your favorite artist? What are your favorite paintings?

Write an article about your favourite painting for an international magazine.

Organise your work in three paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: What is your favourite painting? When did you first see it? Where? Who painted it? Which art movement does the artist belong to? (impressionism, surrealism, cubism, etc.) When was it created?
Paragraph 2: What type of painting is it? (portrait, self-portrait, landscape, cityscape, still life) What techniques are used? (oil on canvas, watercolour, ink,...) What does the painting show? Describe the atmosphere. What colours and shapes are there?
Paragraph 3: Why do you like the painting? How does it make you feel? 

Irregular Verbs

Do you know the difference between the past tense of verbs and past participles? Let's see!

19 Mar 2024

A Film Review

 Think about your favourite film or the film you've recently seen. Write about it in 80-100 words.
Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What is the title of the film? What type is it? Who was it directed by? Who stars in it?
Paragraph 2: What is the film about? Who are the main characters? What do they do? Who is your favourite character? Why? Try not to reveal the ending, please!
Paragraph 3: What do you think about the film, story, actors, special effects, soundtrack, costumes, ending?
Paragraph 4: Who should watch this film? Why?

Reported Questions

After talking about reported commans and statements, let's focus on reporting questions.

Bear in mind that, when we're reporting someone's else's words a short time after they were said (up-to-date reporting), the reporting verb's in the present and there's no tense change, but when we're reporting something some time after it was said (out-of-date reporting), the reporting verb's in the past and there's tense change (present becomes past, past becomes past perfect, and so on): 

14 Mar 2024

St Patrick's Day

Keep calm and go green =)

Reported Statement

Direct speech is the exact words someone says or said, so we use quotation marks.

When we report what someone says or said we don't use quotation marks.

We use an introductory verb (e.g. say) and the word 'that,' which can be taken out. Also, personal and possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives change according to the meaning of the sentence.

If we are reporting something a long time after it was said, we should take care of the tense and time expressions change.

12 Mar 2024

Reported Orders, Requests and Suggestions

Let's first see if you remember how to report orders and requests!

Now let's find out how we can report suggestions and advice in English!

7 Mar 2024

A Dream Job

 Think about what you would like to do in the future. Write about your dream job in 80-100 words.

Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What is the perfect job for you?
Paragraph 2: What qualifications do you need? What kind of person do you need to be to do this job well? What are its good sides?
Paragraph 3: What are its bad sides? Is there anything about this job that you would not enjoy?
Paragraph 4: Why would you like to do that job? How would it make you feel?


What kind of films do you enjoy watching? What's your favourite TV series?

Imagine that you're a screenwriter. Create your own film or TV series.

Organise your writing into paragraphs. Use 120 - 140 words.

These questions might help you with the task:

  • What type of film or TV series is it? What is its catchy name?
  • What is the story about? Where does your film or TV series take place?
  • What is the central problem? Why would the audience watch your film or the next episodes of your TV series?
  • Who are the main characters? What are they like? Who plays the main roles?
  • What is the message of your film or TV series?